Galvanized wires for vinyards and orchards

For new vineyard trellising, a decision extremely important is which wire using for grape weight and wind force against foliage wall load. Wires must have high corrosion protection and tensile strength minimizing expansion and contraction with changes in temperature and loading. For these reasons, Dolmec is continually involved in a strict selection of suppliers able to ensure first-rate materials in which to find best high tensile wires for vineyards able to withstand the action of operating machine and the weight of grapes. The Hi-tensile wires marketed by Dolmec, are from best Italian Brands, which guarantee the quality of their product for the entire vineyard life. You can find a wide range of high-quality zinc-coated and Hi-tensile wires. Packaging options: Strapped coils – Pattern laid coils – Reels

Galvanized steel wire supplied in calibrated coils of selected weight. Mainly for use in the agricultural, vineyards and orchards trellising, and industrial sectors.